Expansion of distillery industry globally increased the focus on developing effective technologies for the treatment of distillery stillage. Due to the presence of difficult-to-degrade compounds, physico-chemical, biological, and thermal treatment processes, such as aerobic and anaerobic biological treatment, coagulation/flocculation, electrocoagulation, adsorption,

advanced oxidation, membrane processes, and evaporation/combustion, have been explored during recent years to address the demands of environmental regulations.

It has been found that for effective degradation of organic matter, particularly in terms of water reuse, a comprehensive treatment that involves several sequential technologies should be employed. Apart from this, much attention is paid to development of membrane treatment and particularly to exploring new membrane materials that will decrease membrane fouling, thus giving optimal permeate flux, to optimizing energy demand and to valorization of retentate.

Some of the HSCPL products are as follows:

  • Fermentation Enzymes
  • Biocides
  • Antifoaming Agent/ Defoamer
  • Antiscalant for Heat Exchangers/ Confensors
  • Antiscalant for Vaccum Pumps